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Aluminum Commercial Windows

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Aluminium commercial windows are a popular choice for businesses looking for a durable, low-maintenance, and energy-efficient window option.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of using aluminium commercial windows, the different types available, and the factors to consider when choosing the right windows for your building.

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We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to install aluminium commercial windows. Whether you are a business owner or a building contractor, this article will provide you with valuable insights on aluminium commercial windows.

To find out more about the windows we can install, please contact Aluminium Shopfronts today.

What Are Aluminium Commercial Windows?

Aluminium commercial windows are essential components in modern architecture and construction, designed specifically for commercial properties such as shopfronts, offices, and buildings.

They play a crucial role in enhancing the overall design aesthetics of a commercial space, offering sleek and contemporary appearances that attract clients and customers.

Beyond their visual appeal, these windows are also integral to the functionality of a building, providing ample natural light, ventilation, and noise reduction.

Aluminium commercial windows are known for their energy efficiency, helping businesses reduce energy costs and maintain a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year. Their durability and low maintenance requirements make them a popular choice among architects and property owners looking to combine style, practicality, and sustainability in their designs.

What Are the Advantages of Using Aluminium Commercial Windows?

The advantages of using aluminium commercial windows extend beyond their sleek design and modern aesthetics, encompassing exceptional durability, energy efficiency, and cost-effective maintenance benefits.

Aluminium frames in commercial windows offer robust structural integrity, withstanding harsh weather conditions and minimising the risk of warping or corrosion. This durability ensures that the windows last for years without compromising their functionality.

The construction of aluminium windows allows for optimal energy efficiency, as the material provides excellent insulation properties, reducing heat loss and enhancing the overall thermal performance of the building.

The cost-effectiveness of aluminium commercial windows lies in their low maintenance requirements, saving on long-term upkeep expenses while delivering lasting quality and performance.


Durability is a key aspect of aluminium commercial windows, offering long-lasting performance and structural integrity in diverse commercial settings.

The strength of aluminium provides the robustness required to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it a popular choice among architects and builders for its resilience against corrosion and extreme weather.

The inherent stability of aluminium ensures that these windows maintain their shape and functionality over time, reducing the need for frequent replacements and repairs. This combination of strength and longevity contributes to the sustainability of commercial buildings, enhancing their energy efficiency and overall performance.

Low Maintenance

One of the significant advantages of aluminium commercial windows is their low maintenance requirements, providing a hassle-free solution for commercial property owners and managers.

These windows are designed to withstand the elements with minimal upkeep, ensuring that they retain their sleek appearance over time. Cleaning procedures for aluminium commercial windows are straightforward, typically involving gentle soap and water or a mild household cleaner.

Due to their durability, aluminium windows offer long-term cost savings by requiring fewer repairs and replacements compared to other window materials, making them a wise investment for businesses looking to enhance efficiency and longevity.

If you are looking for low maintenance windows for your shop in Hereford or somewhere else in the UK, we can help.

Customisable Design

Aluminium commercial windows offer extensive design flexibility and customisation options, allowing architects and designers to create bespoke window solutions that align with the project’s aesthetic and functional requirements.

The customisable design features of these windows extend to a variety of options for colours, finishes, styles, and configurations. This versatility empowers professionals in the industry to craft windows that suit diverse architectural details and profiles.

From sleek modern styles to classic traditional looks, the array of choices ensures that every project can achieve the desired visual appeal and cohesive design elements.

Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency is a key characteristic of aluminium commercial windows, incorporating advanced insulation technologies, high-performance glazing, and weather-resistant properties to enhance thermal performance and reduce energy consumption.

Aluminium commercial windows are designed with sustainability in mind, providing a durable and versatile option for commercial buildings seeking energy savings. The innovative insulation materials used in these windows not only minimise heat loss in winter but also reduce heat gain during the scorching summer months.

Opting for low-emissivity glazing options further boosts their thermal efficiency by limiting heat transfer through the glass. Their exceptional weather resistance ensures longevity and reliable performance, contributing to a more comfortable indoor environment and lower utility costs over time.

What Are the Different Types of Aluminium Commercial Windows?

Aluminium commercial windows come in various types to suit different architectural needs, including fixed windows, casement windows, sliding windows, and awning windows.

Fixed aluminium commercial windows are popular for their simplicity and sleek appearance. Casement windows, on the other hand, offer excellent ventilation control.

Sliding windows are convenient for spaces with limited exterior clearance, while awning windows provide great protection against rain while allowing fresh air circulation. Each type of aluminium commercial window presents unique features and benefits, catering to specific functional and aesthetic requirements in various commercial settings.

Fixed Windows

Fixed windows, a type of aluminium commercial window, offer a stationary design that provides unobstructed views and natural light while enhancing the building’s aesthetics and energy efficiency.

Their non-operable feature makes them a solid choice for areas where ventilation is not a primary concern, allowing them to focus solely on maximising the entry of natural light. By capturing and diffusing sunlight effectively, they reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day, cutting down on energy costs.

Their sleek and modern appearance adds a touch of sophistication to the overall look of a commercial building, attracting attention and creating a visually appealing facade.

Casement Windows

Casement windows, a popular choice in commercial settings, offer versatility and functionality with their hinged design that allows for optimal ventilation, natural light, and easy operation.

Their unique hinged construction enables them to open outward, providing increased airflow and creating a refreshing environment within the space. This design also allows for easy cleaning and maintenance, as the entire window pane can swing open, granting convenient access to both sides of the glass.

The user-friendly operation of these windows makes them a practical choice for busy commercial spaces, where quick and efficient ventilation and light control are essential for creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

Sliding Windows

Sliding windows are a practical choice for commercial properties, offering smooth horizontal operation, space-saving benefits, and contemporary aesthetics that complement modern architectural designs.

Their sleek design not only enhances the overall look of the building but also maximises natural light and ventilation. These windows are a popular choice in commercial settings due to their functionality and ability to optimise interior space.

The smooth gliding motion of sliding aluminium commercial windows allows for easy opening and closing, making them a convenient option for businesses looking to create a seamless indoor-outdoor connection.

Their durable construction ensures longevity and minimal maintenance requirements, adding value to any commercial property.

Awning Windows

Awning windows provide excellent ventilation and weather protection in commercial spaces, featuring a top-hinged design that allows for airflow control, rain resistance, and enhanced security.

The top-hinged mechanism of awning aluminium commercial windows offers the advantage of allowing fresh air to enter while keeping out rain, ideal for maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures.

The sturdy aluminium construction provides excellent insulation properties, helping to regulate interior temperatures and reduce energy costs. The reinforced locks and robust frames of these windows enhance security in commercial settings, offering peace of mind for business owners.

With their combination of functionality and durability, awning aluminium commercial windows are a practical and stylish choice for any commercial space.

We offer awning windows in Ilford and a range of other towns across the UK. Speak to our experts today for help and support when choosing the right windows for your property.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing Aluminium Commercial Windows?

Several crucial factors should be considered when selecting aluminium commercial windows, including adherence to building codes, energy efficiency ratings, design preferences, and budget constraints.

Ensuring that the chosen aluminium commercial windows meet specific specifications outlined by building regulations is paramount. Compliance not only ensures safety standards are met but also avoids costly fines or delays in the project timeline.

Assessing the energy performance of the windows can lead to long-term savings on operational costs. Integrating design aspects that align with the overall aesthetic of the building is essential for creating a cohesive look. Meticulous financial planning aids in selecting windows that offer value for money without compromising quality.

Building Codes and Regulations

Adhering to building codes and regulations is paramount when selecting aluminium commercial windows to ensure safety, security, and compliance with industry standards.

It is crucial to prioritise safety and security in all aspects of building design and construction. By choosing aluminium commercial windows that meet the set standards and codes, businesses can enhance the overall protection of their property and occupants.

The strict adherence to these regulations not only safeguards against potential hazards but also promotes sustainability and energy efficiency. Investing in windows that comply with industry standards reflects a commitment to quality and reliability in commercial spaces, setting a solid foundation for a safe and secure environment.

Energy Efficiency Ratings

Evaluating energy efficiency ratings such as U-value and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is crucial for selecting aluminium commercial windows that offer optimal thermal performance and energy savings.

Understanding these ratings can significantly impact the overall thermal efficiency of a building. The U-value measures how well a window can prevent heat from escaping, with lower values indicating better insulation.

On the other hand, the SHGC value indicates the amount of heat that can pass through the window, affecting the amount of solar heat gain. By carefully considering these ratings, businesses can enhance energy conservation efforts, reduce utility costs, and create a more comfortable indoor environment for occupants.

Design and Aesthetics

Design and aesthetics play a vital role in selecting aluminium commercial windows, allowing for customisation options that enhance the visual appeal and architectural coherence of the commercial property.

By focusing on design elements such as frame styles, colours, and finishes, businesses can tailor the appearance of their building to align with branding or architectural themes. The ability to choose custom sizes and configurations ensures that the windows not only look beautiful but also function optimally within the space.

Considerations like mullion design and glass types further contribute to the overall aesthetic and performance of the aluminium windows, making them a versatile choice for modern commercial structures.


Considering the budget is essential when choosing aluminium commercial windows, ensuring that the selected windows align with cost-effective solutions without compromising quality or performance.

This is particularly crucial for businesses aiming to strike a balance between pricing factors and the benefits of aluminium windows. By establishing a clear budget upfront, companies can explore various options and obtain quotes to compare prices from different suppliers.

Understanding the relationship between the cost of windows and their quality is key to making informed decisions that meet both financial constraints and performance requirements. Emphasising the importance of budgeting in the selection process can lead to finding affordable yet durable aluminium commercial windows that deliver long-term value.

How To Install Aluminum Commercial Windows?

Installing aluminium commercial windows requires a systematic process that involves preparing the opening, installing the window frame, securing the window, and ensuring proper insulation and sealing for optimal performance.

  1. Once the opening has been prepared, the next step is to carefully position the window frame within the opening, ensuring it is level and square.
  2. Secure the frame in place using appropriate fasteners, making sure it is tightly anchored for stability.
  3. Following this, apply a high-quality sealant around the frame to prevent air and water leakage.
  4. Insulate the gaps between the frame and the opening to enhance energy efficiency.
  5. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the windows with mild detergent and soft cloth, can help extend their lifespan and preserve their functionality.

Prepare the Opening

Preparing the opening for aluminium commercial windows is a critical initial step that involves accurate measurements, structural assessment, and ensuring proper alignment for seamless installation.

To ensure accuracy during the measuring process, utilise a tape measure to carefully determine the width and height of the window frame. In addition, consider structural factors such as load-bearing capabilities and weatherproofing requirements.

Before proceeding, check for any obstructions or uneven surfaces that may impact the window installation. Once the measurements and structural considerations are in place, focus on aligning the window correctly within the opening to prevent issues with functionality and aesthetics in the long run.

Install the Window Frame

Installing the window frame is a pivotal stage in setting up aluminium commercial windows, involving the attachment of hardware, profiles, and structural components to ensure a secure and stable window structure.

To start the installation process, the window frame is first positioned within the designated opening and secured in place. Hardware such as screws, brackets, and anchors are then used to anchor the frame to the surrounding structure.

Careful consideration is given to the alignment of the frame to ensure proper integration with the profiles. These profiles, made of durable aluminium, contribute to the overall strength and functionality of the window. Structural reinforcement, through techniques like welding or bolting, is often employed to enhance the window’s stability, especially in high-stress areas.

Secure the Window in Place

Securing the window in place is essential for the safety and functionality of aluminium commercial windows, involving the proper installation of locks, handles, hinges, and security features.

Locks play a crucial role in preventing unauthorised access and ensuring the security of the premises.

Handles not only aid in opening and closing the windows but also contribute to the overall aesthetics.

Hinges are vital components that facilitate the smooth operation of the window while providing structural support.

Incorporating advanced security mechanisms such as keyless entry systems or reinforced locking mechanisms can further enhance the overall protection of the property, safeguarding it against any potential security breaches.

Seal and Insulate the Window

Sealing and insulating the window is a crucial final step in the installation process of aluminium commercial windows, involving the application of weatherstripping, seals and insulation materials to enhance energy efficiency and weather resistance.

Proper sealing helps prevent air leakage, reducing heat transfer, and enhancing thermal performance. Weatherstripping is applied around the edges of the window to create a tight seal, preventing draughts and moisture infiltration. Seals also play a significant role in keeping out unwanted elements and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

Insulation techniques, such as using low-emissivity coatings or installing foam inserts, can further improve energy savings by reducing heat loss through the window. Taking these measures not only enhances the longevity of the windows but also contributes to significant cost savings on energy bills.

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